2010 Gallery Exhibitions

2010 Gallery Exhibitions November 13, 2010 – January 30, 2011 Salustiano, Angela Lergo, Sergio Garcia, Ronald W. Westerhuis October 9, 2010 – November 11Fishing Landscapes by Alonso Mateo – Pottery Latitude 25.762826 Longitude 80.311957 by Nicolas Leiva September 11 – October 6 “POSSESION” Scott Ashley “GANG OF 4” Pedro Vizcaino August 14th.- September 9th “$499.99”, […]

2009 Gallery Exhibitions

December – Sculpt Miami 09, Contemporary Sculpture Art fair, Mac Whitney, Bruce White, Mike Hensel, Steve Fischer, James Tyler, Emil Alzamora and others. November – “Apothecary Luxe”, Alonso Mateo October – “Trancendence”, Borjas, Annette Turrillo September – ‘Hispanic Heritage”, Ferran Escote, Alonso Mateo. August – July – June – Gallery artists Group show. May – […]

2008 Gallery Exhibitions

December – “Box of mental states”, Jose Manuel Ciria (Spain) – “SculptMiami” contemporary sculpture art fair, L’Oriano GaloniEmil Alzamora, Max Seiz, Terrance Carr, John Berry, Glenn Mayo, James Tyler, Tomas Brewitz among others. November – Margit Fureder September – October – Patricia Gutierrez, Kevin Duffy, John Berry, Cheryl Maeder, Jason Poteet July – The survival […]

2007 Gallery Exhibitions

December – November – “ The Brush that never rest” Sergio Hernandez , Francisco Toledo, Pedro Zubizarreta October – September – Mexican Abstraction painting , Manuel Felguerez June – “Isla del Sur”, Felipe Alarcon April – May – “Still Life”… not exactly Dimitri Tolstoi March – “Statement on female nudity”, Sylvius Krecu (Enrique Sierra) February […]

2006 Gallery Exhibitions

December – November – “Conceived in Silence”, David Serrano October – September – “The Aesthetic of Expression’, Luis Granda Pedro Zubizarreta. June – “ The essence of my art”, Luis Valenzuela May – April – “The sense of Life’ by Russian contemporary artists: Yuri Pavlov D.Gromov, Y.Luikshin, I.Nesvetailo, S.Evgrafov March – “Contemporary Russian expresionism”, V.Blinov, […]