The collection is available for view on / kavachnina contemporary
Neith was born in 1946 to artist’s family , both her parents and her grandmother Louise Nevelson were artists and her upbringing was a heady mix of high society and bohemian freedom. She has started painting when a child and never stoped. She painted constantly and produced a big number of artworks. Her artistic process was visceral, fast , nearly violent. Thematically her paintings are consistent : faces, horses and female nudes compose the bulk of her oeuvre.The basic outline of her figures is usually bold and almost rectilinear, though the color schemes range from nonexistent , some of her most striking paintings are simple black-and-white outlines of houses, to garish explosions of primary colors. “ The more color I put in, the more disturbed I am when I am painting,” she says.
One art collector who owns a number of Neith’s paintings communicated once: “I’ve known a lot of artists, but I’ve never known any who work quite like her.” “She doesn’t sketch anything out beforehand or do much in the way of preparation. She just sits down and does it.” When asked how long it took to complete a black-and-white horse painting displayed in her home in Maine, Neith says, “Ten minutes and all